Need some advice.


I need some help ladies. I have a one month old. And I have felt like crying the past few days. He just cries or screams when he needs something. But I don’t know what he wants most of the time. And generally I just pick him up and he is good but he has just been screaming. So I end up just putting him to the boob. And he just sits there and eats. He would eat for hours if I let him. He will eat like he is ravenous 1/2 hour after he is done eating. He generally eats for 25-40 minutes so he is getting food.

I just feel I haven’t been helping him the way he needs me because I don’t know what he needs or wants. We were doing well up until a few days ago. I thought we were learning each other’s cues and way of communicating. He screams if he is not held constantly by someone. But mostly he only wants me. Here is my son.