Maybe baby #2 ....Advice?!


Hi everyone I’m 30 and have a 12 year old daughter and a 9 month old baby girl. My husband and I want another baby but I’m so nervous about doing it all again. I’m still trying to lose the rest of the baby weight from my last kiddo. I’m nervous about my age, money, and splitting my time. I want my youngest to have a sibling close in age. I’m just nervous about the whole thing. It’s such a huge life event. I wish it would randomly happen, but I know my body so well I can tell when I’m ovulating. I feel like it’s all I think about since my husband and I decided to stop using protection. Is this normal nerves?? Do any of you ladies get nervous thinking about having more? I’d love to hear thoughts opinions and advice. Here’s a pic of me, my husband and youngest. My oldest is in a “don’t take pictures of me phase” so I don’t have a pic of all of us.

Thank you guys!!