I don’t know what to caption this I’m just so happy

Kacie • Mama&Wife 👧🏽💘11/25/16🤱🏽💙04/12/19

I went in for my 12 week appt yesterday (11 weeks and 5 days yesterday) and my midwife does regular ultrasounds with all of her patients. I just love it! We got to see the baby (this is #2 for us) and I’m just so excited. I was worried in the beginning that this pregnancy wouldn’t be as exciting as the first but it soooo is! We did the genetic blood test yesterday as well so we’ll be finding out the gender in just a short week to 10 days. I’m soooo beyond over the moon excited. We have an almost 2 year old girl (nov 25) and we are definitely hoping for a boy. Although I’ll be happy to give my girl a sister we want a boy so bad. Here’s my ultrasound! The baby was kind of curled up but the legs were sticking out the whole time if that makes any sense lol.