I’m stressed

Elizabeth • Kyro & Kruz 💙 coming soon

Back in December 2016, I found out I was pregnant and I miscarried in Feb 2017. I was devastated and I just dealt with it. Well this summer doing my training to become a Correctional I found out I was pregnant the day after I got maced which was around June 14 and miscarried on July 17. On June 26 my step daddy died of a overdose and I dealt with that but I just couldn’t deal with suffering another loss and the miscarriage happened. I’m depressed, and my mom kind of makes me depressed too. It’s hard dealing with trying to make myself not think about my own loss and trying to help her cope with her loss. I’ve been wanting to try again but I’ve just been so negative, down and depressed with myself. It’s been a rough year. I just wanted to vent but also ask, how can I deal with my problems and help her without just being depressed?