when will the guilt ever go away :(


just when i think i am about to get over the guilt of not being able to breastfeed my baby boy, it all comes back.

we have been formula feeding since birth bc breastfeeding just didn’t work out for us. i grieved for weeks over this decision, though i am still confident in the decision.

i felt like i was starting to really only the formula fed life, until my doc recommended we add cereal to his formula to help fill his tummy up. he would be really fussy bc his belly would be full, but he wasn’t satisfied.

he was finally getting full, but he stopped sleeping through the night. i asked about this in a formula feeding support group on facebook and basically got told how unsafe it is, and how i need to stop, even tho his pedi recommended it. 😭

i don’t know what to do... this is my rainbow baby and i already fear for the worst bc i don’t want anything to happen to him... now i have to worry if he’s going to choke in his sleep 😭😭😭

i feel like if I had been able to breastfeed then we wouldn’t be dealing with this. I feel like I’m letting him down 😭