WTH is going on???


Okay ladies! Im going to try to keep this simple. Im very recently 42 years old. About a month ago I got a medical report of very low AMH for my age. I have ALWAYS been an exactly 28 day cycle girl with 3 days of bleeding with menstration. In the past year things have been fluctuating with cycles between 22 to my last cycle lasting 35 day before having a period. I rellalize that the changes are normal considering my age... Here is my dilemma. My last cycle was 35 days and my period came on Sept 20th. It was the first day my husband and I arrived in the Dominican Republic for our vacation. Go Figure right!!! We were still able to be intimate while on vacation starting very late on the 23rd. We had sex at least once a day on the 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, and 30th. Those were not suppose to be high fertility days, obviously... Lol, right??? Lol! Well, because I just assumed that there was no way I could have gotten pregnant. It wasn't even a thought in my mind... I started taking my OPK tests on the 11th day of my cycle this month. According to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> I would be hitting high fertility days around the 4th or 5th with ovulation occuring today the 9th . However, I didn't get my first high fertility using Clearblue Advanced Digital until the night of saturday the 7th. I have been getting HIGHS for 3 days now. However, for the past week my boobs have been KILLING ME. Initially they were sore and swollen. Now they are just sore. And this soreness is way more than I have ever really experienced. Well, to top it all off tonight I get home from work. I did my OPK test while at work a couple hours ago (around 6:30pm) and got a HIGH. But I get home and I notice a stain in my panties. It was a very tiny amount of possible blood. BUT when I wiped after peeing there was more present on the tissue. It was very thin in consistency and pale in color. My first thought was, "But my period isn't due until closer to the end of the month 27th-ish. Not that its all that predictable these days, but this seems toooo soon. I have ONE pregnancy test in the house but I don't want to waste it. So I want to wait until first morning urine tomorrow. Or unless, the bleeding increases and its simply a VERY early period starting.

I wouldn't mind us being pregnant. We are actually not preventing it. Its just that considering when my cycle started last month... I wasn't expecting it. Can I have ANY opinion or thoughts based on you ladies experiences with weird cycles and changing cycles as we age in relation to getting pregnant. And I just pray that all of our vacation libations didnt harm then little bean if this is real!