Should thr hospital be at fault?

My water broke at 28 weeks and I stayed in the hospital 2 weeks before I had an emergency c-section to deliver my son at exactly 30 weeks. They monitored him twice daily and I noticed his heart rate wasn't the same as it had been and he wasn't moving as much 2 or 3 days before he was born. I kept telling the nurses that it was becoming more leveled out (it's supposed to have highs and lows throughout the monitoring) and they said it was fine. Fast forward to the day of his birth, I started getting a really bad headache around 7pm and asked for Tylenol which they gave Me. They monitored him and I told the nurse I was having pretty painful contractions, she said I wasn't because they weren't picking up on the monitors. Mind you I have 2 other children so I know what contractions feel like! I had walked outside with my husband prior to all of this and the nurse kept asking if I had smoked because his heart rate was low and smoking can cause it. I told her over and over I don't smoke and neither does my husband, we just went out to get out of the hospital room for a bit. By 8pm I had spiked a fever of 102 and felt like I was dying. They said I was septic and I would be delivering that night. They took me to be prepped for surgery and we find out the surgeon is close to an hour from the hospital, meanwhile my contractions have become unbearable and I was starting to dialate, my son was transverse so I couldn't deliver vaginally. Once he finally got there it was about 1am, because of the sepsis and extremely high fever my spinal was wearing off and I felt quite a bit of pain during my c-section which is a story in itself, but our son was born at 1:49am. After he was born he stopped breathing due to him having the infection as well. A few days later we found out he had 2 brain bleeds, one around the time of his birth and one a bit later and recently just had surgery to help drain the fluid. I've recently learned that all of his complications since birth are all possibly related to me being septic and him contracting the infection as well.

I've been so focused on the here and now, spending time with our son and trying to get our lives back on track since it's been turned upside down the past few months since I was admitted to the hospital and my husband had to take off work to take care of our other two children and be with us as well. Tonight I sat down and was thinking back on everything that happened before his birth and now I feel like they should have intervened before things got as bad as they did. We both could have died! I'm beyond thankful for our sweet boy, but it infuriates me to think that all of his pain and multiple surgeries could have been prevented if they had listened to my concerns and taken them seriously.