Insecure About My B-Belly Bump

I’m honestly so insecure about my bump. This is my second pregnancy, but I didn’t get this far along with my first. I’m 24+4 weeks. I’m a short woman, about 5’0. I was soo excited for my baby bump, and now that I’m 6 months, it’s really bothering me that it isn’t rounded out fully yet. I figured it would’ve been by now, but it’s not. I’ve had multiple people tell me I don’t even look pregnant.. just overweight. I think it’s just really starting to get to me. Does anyone else have this problem?

I’m 8 weeks here. ^ I call the deep line in the center of my stomach my role line lol

19 weeks here^ You see how it’s flat in the center? That’s what’s bothering me the most

24 weeks here^ Still kind flat in the center.

I get this is something so stupid to be upset about, but it just genuinely bothers me. I see all these women with perfectly round belly’s & I get so jealous. I’m very happy about being pregnant with my baby boy, but I’ve always been insecure about my body. I always just imagined having a pretty round belly, and then with people commenting on it makes my insecurities worse.