Here we go again...

Chantel • 🩺 RN💍Married 8.4.12 💙2 Sons- 4.21.13 and 5.15.20 💔MC 10.2016

After 3 years of TTC and 5 months of medicated cycles- you’d think I have this down pat. But here I am again questioning myself on what I know will probably be a BFN. Next cycle is <a href="">IUI</a> which for some reason makes me nervous. Anywho I’m 12 dp trigger and 11 dpo. My internet cheapies are basically negative now- which I’m sure FRER is more sensitive. But wanted thoughts- maybe, just maybe that FRER means an HCG is building? Or the trigger. FRER taken within timeframe. You’d think I would have learned patience through this.

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