Finances in Marriage— Married People Only Please...

When struggling financially, how were or are you keeping it from causing issues in your relationship? How do you not allow the financial frustrations to impact your marriage? What are some things that you’ve done to minimize arguments revolving around money?

I know in today’s day and age, many people struggle in this area, as many people are in debt; for a multitude of reasons. This post isn’t meant to give advice such as, “don’t be irresponsible with money”, or “you don’t need to be indebted”. As sometimes it can’t be avoided when taking on rent, utilities, legal fee’s (child custody disputes), and other necessary daily/weekly/monthly expenses that have financial obligations revolving around children and life.

I thought this post could not only be beneficial for me, but beneficial for many others’, as it seems to be a common challenge among marriages; which is why I am not disclosing my personal story!

Thanks in advance ladies!

Sorry about that guys, I wasn’t trying to not include anyone, long term relationships (similar to a married couple), counts the same =). I should have worded that better!

I appreciate all the great feedback! This is a big area we struggle in, and have been married for close to 10 years. We both suffer with severe anxiety, and I also have depression, and he has PTSD. I take some responsibility here, in these arguments, because it’s VERY frustrating for me! I can’t even say we live paycheck to paycheck, because everything is not being paid! I feel like I do rotations to keep things on, electricity for example! The problem comes down to the mutual frustration of not being able to pay the bills like we want to, yet both of us are constantly working our asses (excuse my language) off. It seems to turn into a “who can do more to get it done”, and that’s definitely not healthy, and makes us both feel horrible. It hasn’t always been this way... The cost of living in our area increased, getting behind has screwed our credit, and made us lose things, that seem to make life impossible! This isn’t a marriage ender, it just simply gets to the point of hurting each other’s feelings...

I keep seeing Dave Ramsey come up, and unfortunately, that can’t work for us right now. I have looked into it, and that may be a future possibility.

It doesn’t work for us, because as I said I have to juggle everything, just to keep stuff on and going. We don’t have ANY extra funds... I purchase groceries daily with the money that I make daily, right now- spending $5-$10 for dinner for our two children (7 and 10), and us. My husband and I literally are lucky IF we eat 1 meal a day, our children don’t go without of course. I’m glad that it works for so many people, but as I said, at this point in time, it cannot and won’t work for us. We’re definitely budgeting, but it’s hard to budget, when you can’t pay all the bills. Again, thank you ladies, but until we hit a growth point it’s useless. Anyways, this post isn’t about what method to use for budgeting, but more so how to avoid having arguments and not allowing the financial predicament to impact our marriage.