High blood pressure..

Monique • Momma to two boys • 08.16.16 • 10.16.18💙

So I was induced with my first at 39 weeks due to gestational hypertension (high blood pressure during pregnancy).. we stayed the night at the hospital at 38 weeks for him as were able to go home.

At 32 weeks my blood pressure was high but went down and was normal when they rechecked before I left the office. 34 weeks completely normal, Monday at 36 weeks first check it was high.. rechecked before leaving the office was high again. So I was sent over to the hospital and monitored for a few hours and it went down and was back to normal. All labs and blood work came back normal, I did a 24 hr urine, and haven’t gotten a call so I’m assuming everything was normal with that. I was just told to rest and limit salt intake.

What do y’all think are the odds I’ll be induced again?!

I’m trying to “rest” but with 2 dogs and a 2 year old, (and it won’t stop raining so that makes for dirty paws on the 2 big dogs, which makes for a dirty floors, which bothers me)... it’s HARD YALL 😩😩

Currently just freaking out about any little thing I feel Bc I know high blood pressure and preeclampsia are linked. 😔

I was 1 cm and 60% effaced, not that that means anything.. but I do have a mixture of Braxton Hicks and “real” contractions per the monitors while I was in the hospital.