Doctor called me in... *Update

Nicole • Momma x2 💚💜+🌈🤰

Had my first OB appt yesterday after my dating and diagnostic Ultra Sounds were done, and she had said so far everything is looking good. But I just got a call today and she wants me to come I tomorrow.. needless to say I'm freaking out..


My blood work came back from the genetic testing. Came back bad.. high risk for trisonomy 18, Edward's syndrome. I am heartbroken..

We tried for over two years..

More testing to be done to make sure.. my s/o came home early to comfort me. Have been crying for hours. I can't imagine having to let this baby go.

** 2nd update

Had the panorama NIPT test done to verify the findings and I got my results today. Everything came back clear! Low risk across the board. I have no words to describe my relief and happiness!