Am I being too picky?


I have a small issue and I don't want to come off as ungrateful, because I truly do appreciate any help that I get with regards to my baby. This is sort of long, please bear with me.

My best friend originally insisted that she wanted to buy a glider for our nursery. I told her not to since it's a big item, but she insisted. So I picked some gliders out within her price range ($150). I said I liked one from Wal-Mart that was $130, and she said she would not buy from Wal-Mart and to select one from Amazon or Target. I found one at Target for $139. She then said I needed to check on, so I did and I found one for $139.

A few days later, she said she wanted to buy our pack n play instead and sent a link to the Wal-Mart website, with no specific item chosen. I told her that we have one on our registry that we like from Wal-Mart, but did not send it to her yet. She texted me and said she found one to purchase for me, but didn't show me what it looks like.

Would it be rude of me to send her the exact pack n play that we'd like, or should I just let her purchase whatever she wishes and deal with it? I'm really trying not to be rude, but I do wish she would have some respect for my preferences too.