One side of wall heart is getting thick


I just went for my mid pregnancy ultrasound at my high risk doctor and the doctor said one side of my baby’s heart is getting thick. I don’t have gestational diabetes but I have to monitor it because it’s border line. They made me do my a1c again today to see if it’s changed in the last 3 months. He said it could be because of uncontrolled diabetes, which I haven’t been monitoring it the last 2 months because my normal doctor said they were being too picky, and that my numbers looked ok for now. The high risk pregnancy center had me on insulin for my numbers being a couple over, but it made me feel extremly sick due to how fast my body processes it. I also have high blood pressure which is well controlled with medication. I am on the lowest dose of HBP medication since it controls it so well. Not on my HBP meds it goes up 30pts on each end to 150’s/110’s. So, just imagine how I feel taking the insulin when my levels are a couple points above normal, they drop significantly, and I feel miserable after. That is why my normal doctor said not to worry about it. I shouldn’t have stopped monitoring it, but he said not to stress about the numbers and if I don’t feel comfortable taking insulin, don’t since my numbers weren’t bad not on it.

I’m just stressing out now over here, which isn’t helping my blood pressure one bit. I feel like I’m to blame for it because I stopped monitoring my sugar levels. I don’t eat miserably but it doesn’t actually matter how you eat if your baby can’t process the sugar.

Anyone else deal with this and how did it turn out? I am trying my hardest not to freak out, I have only cried a couple times in the last hour and a half since my appointment.