Is it true that lean pcos can be more dangerous?


I know a lot of women with pics struggle with their weight, and my heart goes out to them. I recently read an article about insulin resistance and it's affect on weight, and a lot of the time in theory your body being insulin resistant modifies to protect your organs by storing the excess energy as fat. In people who remain lean with insulin resistance your body doesn't know what to do with the extra energy, and that can be dangerous for your heart and several other things.

I am 26, and I have lean PCOS with insulin resistance. (5'7" 128lbs) I have been TTC #3 for 1 year, and with baby #2 I was gestational diabetic.

I recently started a keto diet to protect myself-- as well as trying to help with fertility. Even though I don't need to lose weight I'm concerned for my future and insulin resistance.

Does anyone else have lean PCOS? Is anyone else trying a ketogenic diet?

This is about so much more than fertility to me. I want to be here for when my kids grow up. I want to see them be adults, parents, get old.. whatever they want to do, and it scares me that insulin resistance can affect so many things and those things could have the ability to be deadly.