Better than an apology


We have been together for almost 10 months now and the last few weeks with him moving and me switching to swing shift at work have been so difficult on us. Just trying to find time to actually talk to each other. And then the days one of us is off work and free the other one is busy. It’s just been hard and made me extra moody. Well he didn’t charge his phone before he left for a work event yesterday(they went golfing) so I didn’t get to talk to him really any until he got home and I was at work so I squeezed in a few texts to him before he went to sleep. At this point he knows I’m upset and just a few days ago we talked about if the lack of communication was going to be a problem.... which we both agreed no and he’s military so we already know there’s gonna be times we don’t talk for more than just a day or two. And I’m a first responder so half time I can’t even talk about my day so it’s rough but we agreed we can do it. After yesterday I was a little pissy because well he didn’t charge his phone and that’s his fault.... that was like salt in my wound at the time. But he made up for it by saying sorry last night before he went to sleep. I get home by 1 am and go to sleep at this point it’s almost time for him to get up and go to work.... well I wake up to the sweetest text and it’s better than the sorry. I mean just letting me know he sees me he understands and just loves me back... somedays more than I love him and more than I even deserve!

I can promise you this I’m going to marry this man!!! I’ve known he was the one since the first time I saw him!