How do I find a guy who's my type?!?


Okay, of you're religious, please know I'm not trying to offend you. I just wanna find people like me, the same way anyone else would. So I'm not religious, but I live in Utah, where EVERYONE'S mormon. Literally. My friends are mormon, my mom is Mormon, everyone I know except for my sister and my dad and his side of the family. The only non-mormons I've met besides them have all turned out to be jerks. Please don't get me wrong on this. I respect the religion and some of the best people I know are Mormon. It just feels alienating when you feel like the only one who isn't. I want to get out there and date people, but every guy I start to like is Mormon. I respect what they believe, I just want to find someone who is agnostic like me, just as a Mormon would wanna find someone who's Mormon like them. If you live in Utah and aren't religious and are in a relationship, please tell me, how do you find someone who's not religious, but not a jerk? Any help is appreciated.