Nexplanon & Periods

Madisyn • Wife • Dog mom to 6 • 👑

Okay so bare with me.... I was on the Depo Povera shot for about 4 1/2 years and during that time I had lost my period completely and my ob told me everything was fine, etc but last September they told me I needed to look into switching because eventually it starts to break down your muscles and cause your fertility to get messed up so I chose to do the Nexplanon arm implant. I got it in in December and my ob had told me since I hadn't had a period in the past 4 years, I probably wouldn't have one with the nexplanon either (which was FINE with me because who tf wants to go back?! lol) well sure enough it's been almost a year and nothing. But about 3 weeks ago, I started bleeding (it was a lot for not having a period but then again it wasnt BAD) and I kinda blew it off. Fast forward to two weeks later and it started again so I'm thinking maybe I'm starting to gain a period back?? But I'm not sure because it's been so long and just suddenly happened. I tried to Google different symptoms of the nexplanon but didnt find much about it and periods. Sooo any advice? Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Should it be something to worry about or maybe just a cycle that isn't on a regular schedule yet?? :(