Sugar baby!


Had My beautiful sugar pumpkin baby on 10/6 weighing 6 ibs 8oz! Craziest thing y'all! The day before I felt like I literally got hit by a bus! I had kidney stones, Gallbladder stones, Mason Wasn't moving as much and my blood pressure was out of the roof! My OB decided she would induce me on 10/5 as I was already 5 CM dialated at 37 and 5 days and did a membrane sweep. I went into L & D around 4pm after I got everything ready and dropped off my son with my in laws.

At this point, Since 11 AM after my OB appointment I was feeling braxton hicks contractions but not much pain just A LOT of pressure. I wasnt in too much pain but enough for me to not walk and not be able to breathe. I shook it off and got on the monitor around 5pm. They put my IV and I was still having these contractions when my nurse finally checked and I was 6 Cm and she told me I was in "Silent labor". She said once the OB comes to break my water, Its game time. They let me sleep through the night (Bless their hearts). Thank goodness for that! Around 5 AM I was still the same and they had me walk around the hospital to see if I would progress alone and unfortunately I didnt, The OB came in at 7 AM and boy was that silent labor over with, I was screaming like I never yelled before and lovin' on my husband more than what we have these past 9 months 🤣 The epidural didnt catch because it was way too late after they broke my water. I felt every single thing happening. At 8 AM, I told them I NEED TO PUSH CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO TAKE A SHIT. They panicked, Called the OB and by 8:30 AM Mason was born in 4 pushes. Every scream, Every feeling I got was worth it. I loved every part of natural birth. I was up and walking right after, I kept telling everyone in the room I just gave birth and I am shocked at how amazing our bodies are! I'm so proud of myself. I was so heavily medicated with my first I felt nothing. This was the most beautiful experience of my life. I cant help but tell the story!

P.s It really does feel like every bone is breaking when they come out but God is it worth it!