Relationship Problems


So my boyfriend and I got into a massive argument about my mum . He is saying that my mum dictates my life and that I do every little thing she says when in fact this is not true it’s just that I love my mum so much that I want to do these things for her not because she tells me too. Also that I don’t stand up to my mum ( when I do , he just doesn’t see it or doesn’t want to see it ) that he feels second best to her all the time even when we are alone together . I just feel like he is constantly bringing up my mum to start stuff and in no way shape or form have I brought up his mum because even though his mum has done stuff in the past that I personally don’t agree with , I respect her enough as a person to not bring her into our arguments.

Now he wants to speak to my mum and he said to me that if he and my mum don’t come to some sort of agreement , he will break up with me because this is too much on him emotionally and mentally ( I feel like this is threatening)

What should I do

P.s we have been dating for 11 months