He’s HERE Handsome Alert 🚨


A little update we Ttc for 2months on Clomid and it worked. Due Date was October 11th but scheduled c-section October 9th at 5:30 but surgery didn’t start til 7:30 Delivered at 40 weeks with Baby #3 he was Breech but turn transverse (side ways) while waiting but on the operating table he turn back Breech lol (he’s just turning in there) and they was able to pull him out by his feet which doctor said was good because at first they didn’t know how to pull him out. He made his arrival on October 9th at 8:23am weighing 6 pounds 13.9oz 20.5 inches long So much Joy He’s prefect.

Pictures 👇🏾👇🏾 I couldn’t be more Excited and Happy I’m loving every moment of My Little Handsome Man We’re Overjoyed with everything about him. My Family Is Complete 😍🤱🏾💚💛🧡💙💕💞😘

Daddy changing First Poopy Diaper

Big Brother and Big Sister Meets New Brother (He’s 7 years old and She’s 3 years old) just in case someone was wondering Tissue I cried

Head Full of Hair

At first the doctors was considered about his eating he was only sucking 10ml this morning he sucked down 50ml a HOLE Bottle 👀 Proud Mother moment

Last Bump Pictures