So Pissed right now!!!😡😡😡


My older sister has three boys and the two youngest are twins and just turned two on the 3rd... it’s the 11th today and she didn’t even call or let us say happy birthday to them! We have some rough history with her and she and my mom aren’t on talking terms but we took care of the oldest son and let the four of them live in our little three bedroom apartment with us for the summer! I slept on the freaking couch for four months so she and the twins had a solid place to be. And when she pulled her crap I didn’t have a place to go an with draw from people because I had no room. So I just got to sit on the couch and hope that she doesn’t make me feel worse for being a cry baby! How can we do all of this for her and she doesn’t even let us know that the twins had a birthday or even call us to let us wish them a happy birthday?! Ugh! I was doing great today too.