1 in 12 chance of Down Syndrome?


I had my First Trimester Screening last week. I was overly optimistic because the NT measurement was low, so when they called to say that my blood work indicates a high risk, I was stunned. The little butthead was in a bad position, so they couldn't see the nasal bone. My PAPP-A was low and hCG was high. I turned 34 last week. I wasn't planning on doing invasive testing (again, I was overly optimistic!), but after talking it over with my husband I think I will schedule amniocentesis. I'd like to be prepared when he/she is born. It might be more for my husband's peace of mind than my own. I've worked with folks with disabilities for over 10 years and I have a fabulous support system of friends in the field ❤️ But I need to think about how to support my husband in this as well.

Anyway, anyone else have results like this? What has your experience been? Thanks ladies ❤️💚❤️