She’s here!


My baby girl arrived Sunday, October 7th at 3:06am. Contractions started at 1am on Saturday morning and occurred once every hour until I lost my mucus plug around 10am. After that, the contractions became stronger but a little more erratic occurring anywhere from 30 min to 1 hour. Around 2pm they jumped up to 20 min, we drove to the hospital and by 4pm they were every 7-10 min. After 4 hours of laboring naturally I could not progress past 6cm and found out that my baby was “op” or sunny side up (facing up), which was making labor much more difficult. I opted for an epidural, which stopped my contractions so we added pitocin to pick things back up. Around 10pm I was still only 6cm so they picked up the pitocin which ultimately put my baby in distress. We opted for a c section around two am once her heart rate picked up and had difficulty coming back down. The birth was not ideal or what I imagined, but I am coming to terms with it. At the end of the day my baby is here, healthy and doing well! Im ready to finish healing and get back to our “new” normal life!