Babygirl is here after midwives brew!

Mekessia • naturalista & mommy of 4 💕

So let me start by saying I drank the midwives brew at 6:20PM. Of course this was after extensive research and perusing through YouTube videos of women who tried it. I was already feeling a little off throughout the day but I had finally convinced myself babygirl wouldn’t be coming until she was good and ready. I told myself that after drinking the brew, I’d no longer be attempting anything else to induce naturally - no more pumping, deep squatting, acupressure, etc. No more stressing myself!

Well, first set of contractions started close to 7PM and were on average about 4-6 minutes apart but still quite irregular in pattern. It just didn’t feel right and wasn’t anything like the way labor started with my 2nd pregnancy 18 months prior. In attempt to slow things down and achieve some kind of pattern, I ate a heavy meal (which I later regretted) and sipped water and coconut water. I felt slightly better but contractions were still a bit intense. I began deep squatting through some contractions and then decided I’d go on a half-mile walk to get through the pain. Once I got back home, I hydrated some and then decided the contractions were getting intense enough that I needed to take a shower and bath to bear through them. I also felt that timing the contractions in the bath would finally tell me if it was time to call my fiancé’s mom and the birthing center.

Contractions were at 2-3 minutes apart after the bath BUT still weren’t bringing tears to my eyes (which was my sign to go in with my last pregnancy since I have a decent pain tolerance). For some reason, I just kept telling myself this couldn’t be the real deal but the intensity was finally enough to have me laboring on all fours. I told my fiancé it was time to call his mom while I called the center. I was a little hesitant about going in but my midwife told me even if it was still a little early it’d be okay since I had been at it for some hours. So, we got our 18-month old together, grabbed our bags and food, and left to go to the birthing center around 11:10PM. We had to stop for diesel 🙄 which didn’t take too long, but of course it felt like eternity since we had a 55 minute drive ahead of us.

Well, we got there at 12:15AM - I got checked and was dilated to 8cm - EIGHT FREAKING CENTIMETERS YOU GUYS! I had to ask her twice if she said 8 😂 After that, I labored in the tub, on all fours, then threw up my meal from earlier. It no longer felt right to be in the tub and I suddenly felt the need to poop. So I got on the toilet, took a big 💩😂, which followed with my water finally breaking, and I got on the bed bc my body was telling me it was time to push. I spent 7 minutes (felt like ETERNITY) pushing my sunny-side-up (posterior) baby out and had her at 1:39AM. She was an ounce more than her sister at 7lbs 13oz and an inch longer at 20in. Which I thought was funny being that I had her sister at 39w4d. Anyways, I had no tearing! My

midwife said it didn’t even look I just had a baby 🙌🏽 And supposedly had one of the healthiest looking placentas my midwife had seen in awhile. My nurse and midwife were overall amazed with my labor and delivery and I seriously felt like yeah, thanks, but that was all still horrifically painful and too long 😒😂

I’m proud though, I’ll admit it ☺️😌😎

Here is my Sarai Eunice 💕👑

(Idk why my pictures aren’t posting properly) UGH!