Boyfriend doesn’t open up to me


So I’ve been with my boyfriend for about 1 year and 10 months. He’s going through some things right now but doesn’t want to tell me. And this isn’t the first time he doesn’t want to open up to me. I’ve told him so many times I’m here for him, I want to help, i don’t want him to go through anything alone, etc.. he says he’s afraid to open up to me, I’m guessing it’s because of his ex who cheated on him, and I’ve told him that I’m not her and stuff. So his parents are going through a divorce and things are difficult for him. My parents have gone through a divorce so I’ve told him i gone through it and it sucks going through it alone. But me trying to comfort him and being patient can only do so much. It’s gotten so bad that now we hardly text, before we used to text while i was working and at school now it’s just in the morning and like 5 messages exchange during the evening and then he won’t text me back until the next morning. I don’t know what to do to help him, i feel like he’s going through depression and he’s been getting anxiety. I recently told him that I’m here to listen and to tell me what’s going on, he told me “ There is no where to start, this is something I want to keep to my self and do myself” I dont know what else i Can do other than what I’ve been doing. I want home to open up to me but i guess i can’t. Sorry i just had to share it’s been just bringing me down lately, i feel like I’m not a good girlfriend or something because he doesn’t trust me enough to open up. How did your boyfriend/ girlfriend/ SO open up or did you ever struggle like me?