Is this pregnancy hormones or would you be mad?


Ok so I feel like I’m constantly mad at my husband.

He got a new job about a year ago. They put him on a job 1.5 hours (so 3 hrs round trip) from our house, which we weren’t planning on when he took said job. He works from 5:30am-roughly 7pm. Every night I have no clue if he’ll be home at 5:30 or as late as 9 on a few occasions. He’s also in the army reserves so he’s gone at least 1 weekend a month and an entire month a year, along with conference calls in the evening 1-3 nights a week.

On the flip side, I work from home, and I care for our 19 month old all day, AND I’m very pregnant which makes me tired from lifting him and all of our house and yard work.

So the main issue is, I can’t ever make plans in the evening. I don’t want to cook dinner if i have to eat it alone and put it in the fridge until he gets home. Our son goes to bed at 7:30 so I never know if I’ll have to do the whole nightly routine alone or with help. And the worst part of all is I feel like I can’t have friends or family anymore. No one wants to get dinner with a 1 year old really, even if they do it it’s hard to actually talk and catch up. Everyone is with their own husbands most nights, and I can’t easily hang out at someone’s house because our toddler is into all their stuff and I just end up chasing him every minute or yelling “no!!” I’ve tried meetup Mom groups, play dates, etc. but nothing takes he place of having a partner in life, and 99% of meetups take place during the day . Working from home all day is LONELY. I can handle it but doing it all day and evening is extreme. He’s told me “choose a night and I’ll make sure I’m home for you to have dinner with a friend” and the majority of the time he is late and I have to bail on them last minute which makes me so mad that I decided to just quit making plans.

I’m just at a breaking point. I’ve been calm and nice, I’ve cried to him, and thrown fits, I feel like I’ve tried everything and nothing changes. He did apply to jobs and got 3 solid offers but claimed there was something he didn’t like with each one and therefore turned them all down. I just HATE parenting with him. He’s a great husband and friend, but how can he help me Co-parent when he sees our son for 30 ish minutes (if that) every day? I’m just over it.

What would you do?