Eating so well!!

Alli • Grace 10-8-18 ❤️❤️

So my baby is in the Nicu, she’s 3 days old. She had really thick meconium and they said it was like pea soup consistency. She was born not breathing. They got her breathing fairly quickly but she was on oxygen for a day and glucose as well. She’s been off both since yesterday but she wasn’t eating much at all so they’re keeping her. Well last night she was eating about every 4-5 hours. This morning we decided to just wake her up about every 3 hours to eat since she’s on the IV and probably just doesn’t necessarily feel hungry. So far she has been AMAZING with that! She’s having a hard time latching as I have fairly flat nipples but I’ve been able to pump and produce quite a bit (the nurses are all surprised with how well I’m producing already) so we’ll try breast feeding while her bottle of pumped milk warms up as she’ll try about that long and then get frustrated, and then she just downs the bottle! And I am perfectly happy feeding it to her from a bottle. As long as she is eating I’m a happy momma! As long as she keeps eating about every 3 hours, they should be able to start weaning her fluids in the morning and should be able to come home tomorrow evening! I’m so happy and excited!