Super silly or super rude?


I asked my boyfriend to taste our milk to tell me if he thought it had gone bad (it’s expired by 3 days.) we had another jug so if it was bad I would just dump it out and use the new stuff. He took a sip and told me it tasted fine and that he would drink it, so I made myself a bowl of cereal. I finished my bowl and walked into the kitchen, where my boyfriend was getting his own bowl of cereal. I offered him my bowl so we didn’t dirty another dish, he said no, but I offered him the rest of my milk (since I don’t drink the leftover). He said no again, this time because he had opened the new milk. I asked why since the old jug was half full. His response: it tasted bad when I asked him and he didn’t want to risk getting sick. I asked why he didnt say that before and he said it would have been a waste of milk, and since I don’t drink much of the milk in my cereal I wouldn’t even notice the taste. He then defends further by saying “did you notice or not?” When I said no but that’s not the point he goes “well if the answers no then there is no other point and everything is fine.” Am I overreacting by being mad or was it really rude?