i may get rawed lol just gotta be sure

so last week I was on the phone with the guy i’m currently having casual sex with (who is also a friend i genuinely care for) and unprotected sex came up

(i jokingly said “raw me” and it kinda went from there)

i am on the pill, i trust him a lot, neither of us have ever gone unprotected before, and we have a dom/sub dynamic and idk i just like the idea of being, i guess, “claimed” in that way. it’s weird to explain

he’s like my best friend and i want to do it, i’m like excited. i brought it to some friends of mine, just explaining how excited i was and most of them were all for it and excited for me and like 3 just kinda called me dumb for agreeing to this (mind you, these 3 don’t know this dude) and basically scared me about the situation so lmaoo of course i need some unbiased strangers to help with this. should we go through with it? i mean i may still do it, because that’s just how i am. i just wanna hear multiple points of view

I ALSO WANT TO MAKE CLEAR, neither of us are having sex with other people, we just don’t want an actual relationship. i know, we’re just living in mutual dumbassery