I don't know what to do


My husband never wants to leave the baby with my parents everytime we go out, its always with his parents.

Lately when i go out with my mom to the store or wherever he doesn't want to let me take the baby.

I told him today i was going to the recycling center and to target. Then i mentioned my mom taking me and he then told me to leave the baby there.

I'm tired of this, i always comply so we won't argue.

But i'm already tired of it

Today we're suppoused to go to a screamfest and i know he's going to want to leave the baby with his parents. To top it off his parents are going to a family get together where theres going to be drinking and smoking ciggs. I don't want that for my baby and i don't think any of this is fair but if i leave him things are just going to be worse because i feel like he will fight for custody