
I just need to stick to my guns.

Y’all I dated someone twice my age (not to mention one of my parents friends) because the attraction was there, the compatibility was there. I was thinking that he would be more mature because of the age difference because I’m a woman that likes motivated men who are set and want to continue moving up the success ladder with me and not hold me back...

This is by far the most ridiculous relationship I have been in!

I had a procedure today and before the procedure, he called when I needed him to get through my anxiety just to tell me everything was going to be okay—he was beyond perfect and here for me. Now that the procedure is over- he is no where to be found. He hasn’t called, he hasn’t texted ... I get if he had a busy day at work or whatnot but a simple two second text wouldn’t have killed him, especially if he was posting on social media.

Not to mention, I would see him on and try to call him to let him know how my appointment was because he didn’t ask.

I know I’m wrong but of course the first thing that comes to my head is there’s someone else his age and he’s having fun, which if that’s the case I’d rather know than be dogged.

I blocked him on Facebook (out of impulse which was pry dumb) but I just can’t keep going through this...time to throw away the key?

I’ve tried talking to him about how I feel but he shuts me out and closes his mind. He’s not open emotionally at all.
