Ugh So Frustrating 😩

Ok So I Have 35 day cycles normally , we bd 2 days before my Ovulation day, multiple sessions. That was the only time in my fertile window. Starting at 10 dpo i had very light pink spotting, only when i wiped, & not every time. This continued on 11 dpo. Never enough to wear a pad or even a panty liner and very light. On 12 dpo i had a little more blood that actually came out when i peed so i thought “okay , I’m out this is definitely AF. I put on a pad and called it CD1 😔 but then the next day, nothing. No blood at all. I’ve been VERY emotional and moody, fatigued like crazy and have lost my appetite Which is not like me at all. My Breasts Feel Much Fuller and My Nipples Hurt Like Crazy, I took a HPT yesterday and got a BFN 😩 So Disappointing. Is it Even Worth Retesting In A Few Days?