Depo shot brought me to the E.R

I wanted to get on birth control to be safe but turns out I was allergic to the shot. Once I got it I walked out and once I was walking down the stairs my mouth started to feel numb. My body was feeling weird it felt like it was itching but not from the outside from the inside it was such a weird feeling my heart was racing I felt sooo strange I ran up to speak to one of the nurses because I started to freak out. They brought me in and I was breaking out with hives my blood pressure was high everything felt soo horrible . They brought me down to the E.R and my chest started to hurt so they put me on some steroids and other medication . Honestly I don’t know if I would want to try another birth control method because I’m just really paranoid of something like that happening all over again . It was the worse I was so scared but I’m glad everything is okay now I just happen to have a headache.