Clingy to his family!

My OH has always been clingy to his family. His mum and dad live up the same road as his sister, niece and nephew. You can't go to see his mum without the whole family there. And they are all too much, the sister and niece are massive drama Queens who need attention all the time. His nephew is a rude teen. I find them too much all at once so whenever we visit it's very overwhelming. So anyway me and my OH now have a 7 month old, our first child. I want us to start our own traditions for christmas day and boxing day but my OH wants us to always spend the day at his mums (with the whole clan) every boxing day. I can't handle it. We have our own little family now. How can I go about telling him this without him getting the hump with me? He already thinks I hate his family. I don't, I just find them too much. They always take my baby from me without even asking. I just want our own family traditions. I don't mind visiting but I don't want to spend hours there.