Tmi: Recurrent yeast infections, no itch just discharge all the tiiiiime!


So I've had around 6 swabs done by several different doctors to help figure out this mucousy, stringy, tinge of yellowish discharge that ive had for months. Everything come backs normal but candida overgrowth still comes positive every time. Ive been on 3 courses of fluconazole which doesnt seem to work. I dont have itching just this discharge. Im on the pill and have pcos. Ive been to my gyno who claims it looked fine but that was before the discharge turned yellowish. Im a virgin, have only recieved oral. Ive been tested for clamydia and even had a pap smear/cervical screening which came back fine. I have not been tested for.gonorrhwa but they feel they would have picked it up in all those swabs. It coudl just be recurrent thrush bit antifungals and biotics do nothing

Any advice? I'm only 22 and its doing my anxiety bad.