In love with this red dress, this little boy & this life.... ❤️


36 weeks pregnant... ❤️ finally feeling the glow! Here is a sneak peak from my maternity shoot last night!

UPDATE: Here are a couple more... ❤️

UPDATE #2: I got all the pictures back!


George Thomas got a lovey ❤️

Photography ❤️: Rachel Kepshire Photography

Red Dress:

UPDATE #3: Thank you so much for all your love and support! This is such a wonderful community and you all sure do know how to make a girl feel special. We are so excited to me this little guy... and there are some signs he might want to show his face early! We will keep everyone posted. ❤️

Finally... George Thomas was born Tuesday, November 6th at 4:45am.

8lbs. 10oz. & 22 inches long ❤️

{one day new}