BFP or evap? Dollar tree tests

I’ve been TTC for a few months now, but have no idea where I am in my cycle (15 months PP, but just got my first PP period Sept 4). It’s been 40 days since that period so I took a test on a whim (I’ve always been irregular anyways).

I forgot to check the test at 3 minutes as directed— I probably didn’t look until about 5-6 mins and noticed a very, very faint line. I had another DT test on hand so took that too, VVVVVF like showed up at about 3.5 mins. Test directions say do not use results after 5 minutes.

I’ve never used the DT tests with a positive result

— I really only bought them because of my slight obsession with testing 🤦🏻‍♀️

Would love input from anyone who’s used them!

BFP or evap???

Pic 1 is the one I read at around 5 mins. Pic 2 is both tests— the top one at 3.5 mins