Moved up due date because of gestational diabetes??

Monica • 💖My precious daughter💖💖 December 17th 2018. 💖

Did any of you ladies doctors instantly move up your due date about like 2 weeks after finding out you had gestational diabetes... Or did they do this only because you had complications or because the baby was measuring farther along or bigger? I am asking because I noticed on a letter it said my EDD was December 15th.. Which originally it was suppossed to be december 24th. But my doctor never told me they moved it up or mentioned any known complications.... Im not on medicine only diet controlled and my numbers have been great and he always measures my belly but doesnt say anything and thats it. Havent had a growth scan or ultrasound since 21 weeks i am now 30. Not sure why this happened or why he hasnt said anything. So just curious :) he also makes me see him once a week now. But i thought that was just because of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Idk 💁