Daughter middle of the night crying


Hello, so my daughter ( she just turned 6months abt 2 wks ago) is waking up crying since 2am and doesn’t want to sleep in her crib and cry every 2 hrs. Mind you my daughter is sleeping in her room and her crib since 2 months old. I sleep training my baby since 6-8 wks old. She is not the baby to wake up in the middle of the night crying hysterical. She always go to bed 8-9pm and wakes up 6:30am to 7:30 yes she sleep all those hrs without waking up in the middle of the night. We already went through sleep regression back when she was 4 months and it only lasted 2 wks; also she already has her 2 teeth out so we already went through that too. But idk was going on! She doesn’t have a fever or anything so I’m a little concern of her crying. She slept for abt two to 3 hrs in our crin which she hasn’t sleep with us since she was a newborn so idk this is really weird to all of us!!