idek wot to do

Rant time: So I’m 15 nearly 16 and have kind of been thinking lately like what I wanna be doing with my virginity. A couple of my friends lost theirs this year and said it didn’t hurt for them, But being the hypochondriac I am, I’m scared it’s gonna hurt bad 😬 and be awkward and I’m gonna get a STI or something. I wanna chill out and just go with the flow, because I think I’m ready (and I’ve been close with one guy ‘friend’ for a while now who could be a possible candid 😂 ) but I really don’t know what I want to do. I just don’t know if I am comfortable enough with my own body and if I’ll be open enough to speak up to him or any guy about it. Any tips to help an overthinking anxious gal 🙏🏼