Peeing the bed at 16???

So this is honeslty really embarrassing, but for the past year I've felt like I haven't been able to control my blatter. But i feel like over the past few months/days its gotten bad. Within these, I'd say 3 months, I've had two accidents in my sleep/ On my way to the bathroom waking up. Not bad enough to where it leaked on the bed but bad enough to see it on my pants and having to change. I'm really worried because I've been having a lot of pelvic pain these past few days and been feeling like its extremely hard to hold my pee and having to pee very often. And I just woke up and was literally peeing myself running to the bathroom and changing my pants. I get blatter control issues happen to a ton of women, but I'm only 16? J didn't know where to post so I'm sorry.