Birth Story


I was very adamant on going completely natural and ended with an epidural.

My mindset throughout my entire pregnancy was simply that birth is incredibly natural, are bodies are designed specifically for this, yes it will hurt but I can tough it out. Along with a quicker labor, quicker recovery, drug free birth, the extra hormone surge, etc., for reasons to go natural.

No signs of labor before that day, no Braxton Hicks, I was not dilated at all 3 days prior at my 38 week Dr appointment.

On September 30th I woke up early morning around 1am to go pee, and noticed some mild period cramps, mixed with gas pain, mixed with lower back pain that was coming in waves. Wasn’t too concerned and went back to sleep.

Still going on in the morning, very mild anywhere from 5-25 minutes apart. They continue to get a little stronger and closer together all day. I go for a walk, use the yoga ball, shower, clean the house a bit..

Around 7pm... at this they were getting more painful (maybe 5 out of 10) they were 4-5 mins apart so we head to the hospital. I was 4 cm dilated and they admitted me.

Walking to the delivery room my water broke! And that’s when everything changed.

Contractions got wayy stronger and closer together. I got into the labor tub to help relax and ease contraction pain. And everything got so intense, contractions were on top of each other with barely any rest. Pain was incredible, most painful thing I’ve ever experienced ( and I consider myself to have a high pain tolerance). Felt like I needed to push so they checked again and I was only 6 cm dilated. Hung in there for another hour in the most excruciating pain, contractions still on top of each other and no breaks. I was screaming and grunting, crazy noises I didn’t know was in me.

Checked again I was at 8cm around midnight and the last hour I only had 3 minutes that wasn’t a contraction. I literally couldn’t take any more, not without a chance to rest for a second in between. So I caved and demanded the epidural. Nurse called for it and was told she just walked into another room and it would be 25 mins! I almost lost it. But got out of the tub and hooked up to the IV, complete agony but finally got the epidural and some relief. I’ve never sat more still in my entire life. The epidural was literally the greatest thing ever, I in no way regret my decision.

It wasn’t until around 4am that I was finally complete. I pushed for 20 minutes and Avery May was born a week early on October 1st at 4:29am. I had a second degree tear and my epidural was wearing off while getting stitched up😫.

Miss Avery May 7lbs 3oz 19 1/2 inches. Absolutely perfect in every way 💕