I’m not being checked :(


Hey guys I was wondering if any of you is on the same boat as me, i keep reading posts about how dilated/effaced a lot of you are and most of these posts are from mommies who are as far along as i am, I’m having my appointments every week but they won’t check me for dilation or effacement, last week (36 weeks appointment) I mentioned my midwife i was having extra discharge, a lot of nausea, an upset stomach and frequent painless contractions, although i know braxton hicks do not have much to do with actual contractions i was hoping she would offer do a check on me since i mentioned a couple times i wanted to know if i was progressing towards labor but her only response was “its normal to be nauseous and with an upset stomach because of the hormones, and braxton hicks are normal too...” . Then i asked the nurse on my way out and she said they are only gonna check me when I’m past the 38 weeks if I’m still pregnant (obvs)