Am I just crazy? Or....

So, my husband and I have been married for 7 months. We haven’t had the easiest first year of marriage...and he is a police officer, which is added stress. Most of this we have been able to work through, but a couple weeks ago we got into a huge fight and he said that if something didn’t change, or if we fought like that again that he was filing for divorce and he meant it. That night we sat down and talked about the root of our issues and whatnot and the possibility of us not being together forever. Which was a hard pill for both of us to swallow...

Fast forward to now. Things have been good the past couple of weeks. No fighting, but also no real communication. Still, it’s been peaceful and nice.

This is where I question my sanity. That same week that we were fighting, there was a Snapchat from a girl on his phone. No big deal, I have male friends and co workers that I communicate with via Snapchat or Facebook and he knows about them. And has met them, in fact. I had never heard of this girls name or mention of her until now. So initially I freaked out and confronted him. He said that she was a girl in the police academy in the area and does ride alongs. Again, no big deal. Makes sense.

So last week, he was looking through Snapchat while I was sitting next to him, and my gaze went next to me and I saw that her name wasn’t there anymore...which was fishy since I just saw the snap a few days prior. Does that mean he deleted her? Or is he deleting messages? Anyway, later on that night I got up to go to work and he unplugged his phone from the charger and when the screen lit up, it was her. Again. So that confirmed that he was deleting the thread...why, I’m not sure. I work overnights, so the next morning when I got home, I crawl into bed with my husband and he asks me to hand him his phone so I can plug mine in. What I saw was *2 missed calls, a text message, and a Snapchat* from this girl. Now I know they’ve swapped phone numbers as well...I spent the next 3 days depressed and freaked out.

Friday morning I confronted him about it and he got offended and then laughed because I was jealous. And I told him I was trying to not let it bother me since I have friends of the opposite gender as well. He said if you’re really worried, just look. There’s nothing there. I said I didn’t need to look, and he laughed and said “that’s what I thought”. I dropped the subject and today after I got home from church, I got into bed and now there is a Snapchat from “Team Snapchat” on his lock screen. And I am young enough and tech savvy enough to know that Team Snapchat doesn’t send out snaps to individual users. It is a bulk service sender to inform users of new updates or send out holiday snaps from the developers. I know I didn’t receive one from them and I asked a couple of friends without giving them any details, just so I could maybe rationalize my thoughts. And they didn’t receive one either.

All of that to say, what in the hell am I supposed to do? Am I trippin? We’re supposed to be working on our marriage, but it seems he’s running the other direction....