Looking for advice...sorry a bit long.


Just looking for a little advice or see if anyone else is in my position. In April 2017 I had my first miscarriage with my current husband. We weren’t trying for that baby but we were very excited. We were engaged at that time. We were then married June 2017, at that time we began actually trying for a baby. In November I started charting my temps. November 13 I miscarried again. But 2 weeks later right after Thanksgiving we found out that the baby was actually stuck in my right tube. So I had surgery to remove it. That was a very hard time for my family. My dad and husband got into it and it stayed a mess until Easter. Around March 2018 we started trying again naturally. We knew we needed fertility treatments but I wanted to try a few more times naturally. September 2018 we began fertility medicine. I thought for sure okay this is our month. Only to get a negative. I cried for a few days and even debated on just stopping trying. It was tearing me apart and my husband didn’t fully understand.

Now I’m always angry, I can tell my depression is coming back (I am bipolar and get depression frequently). I however thought it was just my sleep patterns so I told the dr I would try over the counter sleep medicine first. She agreed. But now I’m thinking it’s my depression. Me and my husband fight all the time. I feel like we are falling apart. Every little thing sets me off and I’m always tired.

Is infertility really this hard or am I making too much of it? 💔😢 I just really want a baby.