Baby Boy has turned up early and it wasn’t an easy labour.

H🦄 • choose to be optimistic it feels better

On Wednesday about 2:15am I was laying in bed and started to roll over and I had a sudden gush of fluid between my leg “Oh my God, I’ve wet myself” I waddled downstairs and stood in the empty bath (I did this because I wasn’t sure if it was my waters or not) well it definitely wasn’t pee. 😳

I waited 30 minutes to see if it continued and I called the hospital and they told me to come in and bring my overnight bag.

I’m not even on maternity leave, I haven’t even packed my bag yet! 😫😥

So I woke my partner up and we went to the hospital at about 3:30am, after being hooked up to a machine and checked over for hours they sent me home, the waters haven’t broken. What? Of course they have! Oh well the midwives knows best.

We went to bed, my partner went to work and I slept a little more. When I woke, I went to the toilet and yep still gushing clear fluid. 👎🏻 I called and spoke to my own midwife and explained what happened that morning and what’s happening now, she told me to call the hospital again and say exactly what I said to her and go in. 😌

-My family have had multiple different pregnancies where the waters break and they get sent home only for infections to happen as they’ve been left too long.-

My Mum picked me up and drove to the hospital. My waters had broke. I was again strapped up to monitors, bloods taken etc, the made the option to induce me as my waters had broke and they can’t leave baby in the womb more than 72hrs without the waters. I knew they had broken!! 😤 Of you’ve got a feeling, don’t hesitate to argue or go back in!

In short, they induced me twice and I needed to have two epidurals. The first one fell out and the second one worked. Thank my lucky stars for gas and air, I was high as a kite so couldn’t feel the pain of them putting the needle in between my spinal bones. ✨ After both inductions didn’t work and the consultants waiting for me to dilate for 10 hours I had dilated 1cm. So they had to rush me in for an emergency caesarian operation, half way through the op the feeling started coming back, I couldn’t just feel the tugging and pulling, my goodness I could feel the pain. The doctors, nurses and surgeons were amazing and giving me anaesthetic within seconds. They’ve bruise his left eye a little and it’s still swollen due to using forceps but he is beautiful!! 👶🏻

12.10.18 at 11:56am. My little bundle of joy was born weighing 7lbs 13oz. In dispute of being 3 weeks early, Baby Finley is absolutely perfect in every way. 😍👶🏻💙

We’re at home and being in your own environment is possibly the best feeling, no crying mothers or crying babies around and you’re left to your own devices without being constantly watched. 🏡👪

I am so in love and it’s only day 2. He doesn’t cry which is amazing. After being told I couldn’t have children, he is a true blessing. 😇