Is he playing me like a piano?

Story time.

I was heading home to visit with my best friend and she was talking to a childhood friend of hers, she mentioned we were coming into town and he wanted to see her. He lives with his best friend so he told my best friend that they should set us up with each other. They showed us each other’s pictures and gave each other’s snap chats. It was fine. I really wasn’t too excited- more nervous because the dating game had never been my strong suit. Well, come to the day we are going to meet I get ready and head to his place. Right off the bat, it was drinks and talking. We got really drunk and ended up having sex. Now, I understand the controversy, don’t get me wrong. But the connection was crazy and I have had some one night stands and I am not one to get attached. So we end up sobering up and realize what we had done and after an awkward goodbye, there wasn’t much of anything that happened other than him asking how I felt the next morning and blah blah blah.

Two days later....

He snaps me and asks me to hangout in a group setting, I was all for it. We actually went on a date and talked. It was good. We had sex. Twice.

Another few days....

We hangout in a group setting again, watch a movie. We have some deep conversation, we don’t have sex this time. We just talk. It was really good too. I started to get feelings for him, deep feelings that I have never felt before and I know it’s crazy. I know. He tells me he is falling for me hard.

The next week...

We hang out and he tells me that he’s not the relationship type because 1. long distance and 2. he’s scared of getting hurt/played.

We talk about it for a long time and he tells me. “look, I want to try. I do. Especially if it’s with anyone, it’d be you” So that was fine with me. I leave him alone, yet, I can’t shake the feeling that he tells me things like this just because he KNOWS it’s what I want to hear.

I just can’t believe how deeply I’m falling for him. That I didn’t care if we had sex or not.

Over the course of the month we get a snap streak going and we’re talking like old, good friends. He finds out I’m moving home and all of the sudden, less snaps, less talking. I knew he had to be trying to get rid of me. He keeps playing me though, because he’ll go on snapchat but not open or reply to my snaps or messages, and he’s acting super strange. Now, I’m the kind of person who trusts someone until they give me a reason not to. what’s the fully done that. But when I come into town he says he’s busy when he’s just sitting at home. I know I’m probably being paranoid and stupid, and of course maybe a little crazy. Obsessing over him is killing me. I want him to feel the same way about me as I do him. I have been with 2 other guys since him and he is all I think about. He leads me on still calling me sexy and sending me photos and videos saying how he wants me. So I guess I should trust him.

He said he is an open book and he really is busy, and I should believe him. He’s a manager at a huge company and is going to medical school and I KNOW the stress is killing him, I just want to know if I’m getting played. He said he wouldn’t.

*Please refrain from hate, I’m just a confused and naive girl*