Dating for almost a year, hasn’t told his parents.

Right off the bat I know it probably sounds awful. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year (a year in December) and he hasn’t told his parents about me; he says he doesn’t want to deal with their fuss to some degree I totally understand having grown up with brothers I see how much my parents can get snoopy and want to know what’s up. He’s a pretty reserved and not very deep talkative guy and I totally respect that but at the same time it’s always kinda bugged me. In addition he doesn’t always keep me up to date on some things. Out of the blue just the other day he brought up “really good friends” he’s had for years that I’ve never known about. I’ve only met 1 of his friends while he has met a few of mine. I have mentioned stuff about his parents a few times and he just says he’ll tell them eventually. I’m starting to get kinda concerned but I don’t want to start an argument out of something dumb so I’ve been trying to ignore it. Should I be concerned? I’ve only been in 1 other relationship but it was emotionally abusive so it’s really hard for me to recognize what is normal. He doesn’t hide me away he just never goes out of his way to bring me into his life more so.