Water Breaking


Hi mommas. Question for you all: how do you know when your water has broken?

Hubby and I were sitting on the couch watching tv when I started to feel very wet in my undies. I went to the bathroom and my undies were quite wet and a little sticky.

I called labor and delivery and they said it could just be discharge or I could have peed a little. She said if in an hour I get that wet feeling again, to come in and get checked to see if my water broke.

I changed my undies and peer...again...and I still feel really wet and it is uncomfortable. I will wait the hour before I check my undies again though.

Oh...and I am 37 weeks exactly today.

So, how do I know if my water broke? Does it sound like a possibility for me?


I went I and they did the little swab test to see if it was my water. It was not. All is well. Thank you for all your advice!